Friday, August 30, 2013

If My Life Was A Story

“If your skill life and life was a story, what would it be?” I thought about this prompt for a long time. I had decided that I wanted to take my story to a place that I'm very interested in and that is Greek mythology. I fell in love with the subject in the fifth grade when I read The Odyssey and also the entire series of Percy Jackson And The Olympians. If there is a Greek God that best relates to me, it would be Apollo. Apollo is the God of light and truth; he is the master of poetry and music. He seeks prophecy to find truth. Of course the mastery of poetry and music is a large part of my life, but, also like Apollo, I live for seeking light and truth. You will find me always asking questions to find the real answers. You will especially see me exhibit these characteristics when I'm working within a group envtironment. I'm the group member who strives to lighten up the mood when the stress begins to pile up and can never rest until I know that the answer I am putting down is, in fact, the correct answer.

Like everyone, though, I have my limits. It doesn't take much for me to get angry, I can quickly work my self up into rage. Because of this, I can tie myself in with the story of Cronus, also from Greek mythology. He may have many traits but he is most well known for swallowing his own children. Now I'm not saying that I have ever or will ever swallow somebody, but I can certainly relate to that level of irritation. We all have our ways of handling frustration and I am proud to say that I have learned to handle it in a controlled manner which links me right back to the Greek God, Apollo. My real life story may not be a part of Greek Mythology, but I will always have the dream of growing up to be a Greek Goddess.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Grace!
    This doesn't have anything to do with your post, but can I have your email. We need it for the group project!
